Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Cruel Lie

The following Radio Shack commercial has been making the rounds:

But it's all a horrible, cruel lie! There is no Rudolph's Diner here! Only a Subway . . . and a pizza place . . . and even it's closed half the week for "winter" hours now! Why must this purveyor of electronic gadgetry torture us so? Why does it mock our diner-less state?

I've had enough. I must exact my revenge somehow. I'll go shop at Best Buy. Yeah, that's the ticket . . .


  1. But where will you go when you need some obscure, worth-$2-but-only-available-at-RadioShack (priced at $8.99) adapter?

    Even Best Buy can't help you then.

    Tell the Octopus I said to "bring it on."

  2. Said as only a former RS employee could put it . . . and oh so true . . .

