Thursday, November 20, 2008


OK, so I'm new to this whole blogging thing. For the past several years, while blogs have become mainstream, I've studiously avoided all aspects of social networking. I fashioned myself a sort of "antisocial networker," but then I realized that was a bit of an oxymoron.

So why now? Why not? I occasionally have something interesting to say or share. Plus, I have a lot of friends who send me funny stuff, so there's always the chance that I'll post something that'll make you smile.

I'll probably use this forum to talk about my favorite obsession, er, I mean sport: Geocaching. It's something I really enjoy, so I'll probably tell stories about my trips from time to time.

Who knows? I might even comment on the news or pass along some great music advice (yes, another obsession) or post a funny picture or two.

So feel free to come along for the ride. I'll do my best to make it a fun one. If nothing else, you can get your daily dose of Chuck Norris here. If you enjoy it, friend me on facebook or follow me on twitter. I love groupies. ;-)

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